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Life Services
      With deep insights in needs of clients, New Hope Service makes full use of resources from the group to offer clients innovative block-like property management and lifestyle services that cater to their needs for food, residence, commodities and services, creating a convenient living environment and a happy working environment. 

· New Foodies: cafeteria operation, food supply, labor dispatching. 
· Button Selective: community-based retailing, customization for businesses, online malls, OEM
· Button Neighborhood: second-hand asset intermediary service, asset agency service, sale of parking space and commercial properties 
· Button Furnishing: tailor-made decoration, furniture and furnishing, purchase of home appliances, etc. 
· Button Homemaking: newly-decorated home cleaning, degradation of formaldehyde, stone furniture maintenance, housekeeping, laundry, home appliance cleaning, special services, etc. 
· Centralized Purchasing: centralized purchasing of materials and business trip services. 
三河市| 天水市| 河东区| 嘉义市| 岗巴县| 长丰县| 获嘉县| 宜宾县| 天等县| 金沙县|