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  • 2010

    Establishment with Incremental Potential
    Established along with New Hope Real Estate as an independent legal person in Chengdu  

  • Operation for Consolidation  
    Offered residential and non-residential buildings 
    specialized property management service 

  • 2015-2017

    Nationwide Presence 
    Went nationwide from southwest China with commercial property management entities in cities like Shanghai, Ningbo, Wenzhou and Nanning

  • Brand Upgrading 
    Renamed New Hope Service with a fresh start, expanded our presence to cities like Chongqing, Hangzhou and Nanjing, worked to create an ecosystem of humanized services and gained recognition in the market with robust comprehensive strength

  • 2020-2021
    Positioned as a Lifestyle Service Provider, 
    listed on the main board of HKEX on May 25, 2021, 
    entered into a strategic partnership with partners like BEIKE and AVIC Property Management, 
    launched a charity brand-Enlightening Actions
  • Sound Development 
    Released the first annual report, after listing on HKEX, with an income growth of 57.2%, and took a shareholding of 51% in Minyoun Commercial Services
荣昌县| 桃源县| 定兴县| 江油市| 额尔古纳市| 务川| 永德县| 通许县| 镇江市| 岐山县|